Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care for all?

I know that it sounds great to say that we are going to provide health care for all Americans. Speaker Pelosi compared the latest health care bill to Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, two of the biggest issues during every election cycle.

Politicians love to tell how they are going to fix these two entitlements (as POTUS called them during his campaign). I am afraid we have had a rash of programs from liberals because of the vote buying power that comes with the promises that they make.

We have seen the lack of accountability the state run news media has given Obama, "the candidate didn't know what it would take to fix the problem. We need to give him more time" Barbra Walters said. I get sick and tired of all the pandering given to the left by our so called free press. The only press that is making money is the right wing of the establishment. No one wants to hear the left and the ones that do don't pay for anything or buy anything but McDonald's so there is no advertising base for the liberal networks to raise funds.

The same is true when you put everyone on the government dole. Who is going to pay all these taxes? Who is going to cover the bill for all these lazy's to get free health care? Not them! It will be; Your kids! Your boss! You!

What are we going to do with ourselves now that this monster has passed? First we need to go to the polls and remove the offending appendages. Next we need to realize that we are not going to get anything done with this or any other government that has any real lasting value.

Our only hope is coming close to God. How far are you from God. If you called His name would He know it was you, of have you said "god" so regularly while cussing that He has disregarded your voice? God wants to be close to you! God wants you to want to be close to Him. The ultimate long term health care is a system that will last for eternity.

Do you have your eternity covered? Romans 3:23 says "All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God".

We often think we are good enough to get to heaven but it doesn't matter how good we are we will never come close to the standards that God has for His children. We know His Son was perfect. We can bridge that gap between God and man with the help of Jesus.

Say that name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Ask Him to guide you to the King. Only He can bring you the health that will get you to the finish line.

Romans 10:13 Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

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